The four lifestyle choices that most reduce your carbon footprint

Lund University

The Hot Air Series

UIT Cambridge is an independent publisher based in Cambridge, England.


Sustainable Energy - without the hot air

Mackay, David. (2009) Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air. UIT Cambridge. ISBN 978-0-9544529-3-3

Food and Climate Change - Without the Hot Air

Bridle, Sarah. (2020) Food and Climate Change - Without the Hot Air. UIT Cambridge. ISBN 978-0-8578450-3-0

Sustainable Materials without the hot air

Cullen, Jonathan and Allwood, Julian. (2015) Sustainable Materials without the hot air. UIT Cambridge. ISBN 978-1-9068603-0-1

Legacy: How to Build the Sustainable Economy

Helm, Dieter. (2024) Legacy : how to build the sustainable economy. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009449229 (hardback) ISBN 9781009449212 (ebook)